Task Master

Notify is a user-friendly to-do app that features a sleek and modern white theme, perfect for users who prefer a more sophisticated look.

Join 4,000+ companies already growing

Data collection done right

You might be juggling dozens of data toolkits to finally get the right data. Now, you have control over it all with Notify's APIs and proxies.

Data collection done ethically, flexibly, and error-free

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Collaborative Task Management

With our Collaborative Task Management feature, you can easily invite friends, family, or coworkers to join your to-do list and work together on completing tasks.

Easy to add.

Contribute to the list in real-time

Ensuring everyone stays on the same page. Whether it's planning a group project, organizing a family vacation, or delegating tasks in the office, our collaborative feature makes teamwork simple and efficient. Start achieving your goals together with Collaborative Task Management.

Task Calendar and History

Task Calendar and History feature is here.

Easily view your tasks by day, week, or month and quickly see when tasks were added or deleted. With this feature, you can stay on top of your schedule and plan your time more effectively. Plus, you can review your task history to see your progress and identify any areas where you could improve

Collaborative Task Management

With our Collaborative Task Management feature, you can easily invite friends, family, or coworkers to join your to-do list and work together on completing tasks.

Enterprise plan
Billed annually.
$90 USD
  • Access to all basic features
  • Basic reporting and analytics
  • Up to 10 individual users
  • 20GB individual data each user
  • Basic chat and email support
Enterprise plan
Billed annually.
$90 USD
  • Access to all basic features
  • Basic reporting and analytics
  • Up to 10 individual users
  • 20GB individual data each user
  • Basic chat and email support
Business plan
Billed annually.
$79 USD
  • Access to all basic features
  • Basic reporting and analytics
  • Up to 10 individual users
  • 20GB individual data each user
  • Basic chat and email support
Business plan
Billed annually.
$79 USD
  • Access to all basic features
  • Basic reporting and analytics
  • Up to 10 individual users
  • 20GB individual data each user
  • Basic chat and email support
Basic plan
Billed annually.
$49 USD
  • Access to all basic features
  • Basic reporting and analytics
  • Up to 10 individual users
  • 20GB individual data each user
  • Basic chat and email support
Basic plan
Billed annually.
$49 USD
  • Access to all basic features
  • Basic reporting and analytics
  • Up to 10 individual users
  • 20GB individual data each user
  • Basic chat and email support
Start building with Notify today